How to Succeed in Today's Cutthroat Warehouse Environment

01.18.24 04:00 PM Comment(s)

Cutthroat Warehouse Environment

For over a decade I've seen it all inside the four walls of supply chain warehouses. From electrical storms to missed shipments, nothing surprises me anymore. Today I'm sharing my insider's guide on how to handle the pressures of life in a warehouse.

First things first, get familiar with all your technology tools. Whether it's a warehouse management system, transportation management software or routing optimization, you need to know every function inside and out. Spend extra time learning shortcut keys and configuring dashboard views until the system becomes second nature. Advanced TMS features like route optimization are game changers for maximizing available transport capacity.

Once you've got the tech down, focus on receiving processes. Develop a checklist for thorough shipment inspections. Know what documentation is required and double check it against physical items. Catching errors early saves major headaches down the road. Rotating inventory correctly also requires systematic daily replenishment routines. Break storage areas into clear zones, always work from specific lists and maintain organization.

Communication is key for moving 10,000+ lines per day. Have distinct roles, zones of responsibility and hand off procedures documented for seamless order fulfillment. Also establish clear quality control checkpoints to catch mistakes before they ship out. Regular safety briefings keep teams aligned on proper lifting techniques, especially during busy periods.

Tracking KPIs like accuracy, throughput and turnaround times lets you identify bottlenecks for improvement. Run cycle counting and physical inventory regularly to maintain accurate supply levels. Benchmark yourself against industry leaders too to find new efficiencies.

Regardless of day or night, keep morale high through team-building. Appreciate extra efforts during rushes and recognize top performers. Happy workers lead to lower turnover which is so costly.

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